Gender Action brings gender into the agendas of IFI watcher
groups which traditionally focus on environment, transparency
and accountability issues but often neglect gender dimensions.
We also bring IFIs into the work of gender justice and women’s
groups which have not yet addressed them. By strengthening
partners’ work around IFIs, women’s rights and
gender justice, we are multiplying Gender Action’s effectiveness
in reducing the negative impacts of IFI investments on poor
men and women. Through capacity building, Gender Action is
providing training and technical assistance to our partners
on how to conduct gender analysis of IFI investments; incorporate
a gender perspective in their internal organizational structures;
and ensure all their outputs, including advocacy, are gender
sensitive. These strategic partnerships strengthen our advocacy.
Gender Action has developed a set of ecofeminist indicators to analyze how IFI projects and policies intersectionally impact women, LGBTQ+ people and climate. Each time Gender Action analyzes an IFI project or policy we update and customize the indicators.
This Guide is a joint Gender Action, Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), and Both ENDS publication. The Guide is a tool for women's rights and other groups' advocacy on the IFIs to ensure IFIs uphold and do not undermine rights to clean water, food and a healthy and safe environment.
Speaking Up for Gender is a user-friendly Guide providing grassroots groups and others affected by IFI projects with information, tips and guidelines for submitting a gender discrimination complaint to an IFI accountability mechanism.
Gender Action and the Center for International Environmental Law
Gender Action provides a vital and user friendly toolkit
for civil society groups to incorporate gender perspectives
into their work on the IFIs or any other projects. All sections
contain electronic hyperlinks to a vast array of available
gender resources. Just click on an underlined word to be directed
to the specific tool you need!