Gender Action continues to expand the list of countries where — with local partners — we analyze IFI investments and advocate for women’s rights and gender equality. In this work, we support and mentor citizen groups in developing and transition countries in building their capacity to deconstruct IFI documents and pressure their governments to target resources towards women.

Here is a snapshot of some of our key country collaborations:


At the time of Haiti's devastating January 2010 earthquake, Gender Action co-founded the Haiti Advocacy Working Group (HAWG: ( to hold donor aid accountable for assisting needy Haitians rather than foreign corporations such as US Beltway Bandits. Gender Action and other HAWG members successfully advocated for cancelation of Haiti's IFI debt and obtained Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank commitments to make grants but not loans to impoverished Haiti. HAWG has successfully campaigned for accountability by the UN whose peacekeepers raped young girls and women made homeless by the earthquake and imported cholera into Haiti, killing thousands. HAWG has brought many Haitian activists to testify before the US Congress about injustices plaguing their country.

Click here to see Gender Action's numerous reports on Haiti


Gender Action spotlights China, the most populous World Bank client and one of its largest borrowers in dollar terms. We regularly conduct gender analyses of World Bank loans to China. Our analysis has found that the Bank’s heavily infrastructure and environment-weighted China portfolio has hardly recognized women’s roles or considered gender-differentiated project impacts.

One of our remarkable findings is that Bank rural poverty projects in China have not acknowledged the well-documented feminization of poverty and agriculture, nor its record of having the world’s highest female suicide rate and one of the most rapidly proliferating patterns of trafficking in women and girls.

Click here to view relevant publications on China.


Case Study on the AIIB Mandalika Tourism Project: Filling Gender-Ecological Gaps
We are pleased to share a case study on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)-financed Mandalika Urban Tourism Infrastructure Project (MUTIP) by INDIES, SERUNI, IBON International and Gender Action. If you wonder, "why another MUTIP case?", first, some of the very same Indonesian colleagues who co-sponsored previous MUTIP critiques proposed exposing the deteriorating conditions of project-affected peoples, almost all of whom are Indigenous Peoples (IPs). Second, as the title, "Case Study on the AIIB Mandalika Tourism Project: Filling Gender-Ecological Gaps" implies, intersectional gender-ecological gaps in previous cases needed filling in. Our fieldwork findings highlight, as MUTIP transforms Mandalika into a lucrative corporate Bali-like tourist destination, ecological devastation is destroying the natural environment, including fisheries, mangroves, hills, land, vegetation, paddy fields and trees, thereby disproportionately undermining biodiversity that supported women's daily sustenance livelihoods including putting food on the table. Women's loss of livelihoods due to MUTIP dislocations are propelling women into spiraling debt. Our fieldwork findings contrast MUTIP document commitments to preserve natural resources, biodiversity and livelihoods with opposite results on the ground. Unsurprisingly, social protests demanding suspension of MUTIP implementation and reparations continuously take place. The case concludes that MUTIP harms warrant suspension of project implementation.

Empty Promises: Gender Scorecard of World Bank-managed Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Indonesia
In the wake of the tsunami, there was an enormous outpouring of international aid. Indonesia, which was particularly hard-hit, received a large influx of funds from many donors. To coordinate aid, the Government of Indonesia requested the World Bank to administer a Multi-Donor Fund. The MDF promised to rigorously address gender issues in post-tsunami disaster reconstruction. This report demonstrates the failure of the World Bank-administered Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDF) for Indonesia’s tsunami and earthquake reconstruction to systematically address gender concerns in the design of its projects. We conclude that the World Bank must live up to its commitment to promote gender equality and ensure that its projects—including those funded through the MDF—contain effective strategies to integrate gender issues.

Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey

In 2006 Gender Action partnered with Central and Eastern European Bankwatch Network (CEE Bankwatch) to expose the tragic gendered impacts of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)-financed Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and IFC-funded Sakhalin II pipeline projects. The report, titled "Boom-time Blues: Big Oil's Gender Impacts in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Sakhalin", challenges EBRD and IFC claims that they promote gender equality and combat HIV/AIDS. Instead of bringing prosperity, the pipelines are increasing poverty and human trafficking, reducing access to natural resources, increasing the occurrence of still births, pushing more women into sex work, and raising rates of HIV/AIDS and other diseases.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

In 2005 Gender Action worked with Bosnians to address the gender impacts of PRSP macroeconomic reforms at a workshop for PRSP macroeconomics and gender team members and other PRSP stakeholders. Elaine Zuckerman facilitated the discussion on how macroeconomics often ignore women’s work in the unpaid care economy; gender differences in paid employment and in policies affecting consumption, savings and investment; macrostability and social needs; revenue sources including taxation; PRSPs and related structural adjustment measures; and the gender impacts of trade. Elaine also conducted a training on Gender Budget Initiatives to help the former socialist transition country engender and maintain social safety nets in the face of IFI-imposed economic reforms. For example, local organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina oppose the IFI-mandated value added tax, which places a relatively higher burden on poorer women and men.

Malawi, Mali, Niger, and Rwanda

The World Bank and women's unpaid care work in select sub-Saharan African countries 

With the aim of reducing women's greater unpaid care work than men's and increasing women's paid employment, this paper examines the extent to which World Bank investments address unpaid care work. The paper conducts an in-depth gender analysis of 36 World Bank employment-related projects in Malawi, Mali, Niger, and Rwanda. It concludes that the vast majority (92 per cent) of reviewed projects fail to account for unpaid care work.
Exceptionally, Malawi's Shire River Basin Management Program and Niger's Community Action Program target women's needs as caretakers. But most reviewed projects do not address unpaid care work. Doing so would improve economic and human development and gender justice.


World Bank Project Evictee Becomes Women�s Rights Activist - Bimbo Oshobe 

What happens to slum residents who happen to live in World Bank-financed urban renewal projects? Read about their homelessness, violence against women, and a Nigerian woman survivor�s struggle in this blog.

Gender Action and CEE-Hope Nigeria profile Bank project evictee Bimbo Oshobe, a mother of four whose life was upturned when a Bank-financed project bulldozed her slum several years ago. Residents were evicted without consultation, warning or compensation, and left homeless in crowded, dangerous Lagos. Years later the �urban renewal� project has not delivered its promise to upgrade the slum. Bimbo has slept outdoors or in makeshift shelters since the project flattened her home and soda-drink business, her source of livelihood. Other evictees became utterly destitute: A few died from malnutrition. Some women and girls have been raped and others turned to sex work to survive. Bimbo�s homelessness transformed her into an activist. Read her story here: World Bank Project Evictee Becomes Women�s Rights Activist - Bimbo Oshobe.

Broken Promises: Gender Impacts of the World Bank-Financed West-African and Chad-Cameroon Pipelines 

Nigeria is Africa�s largest oil producer and among the continent�s largest natural gas producers. Based on fieldwork conducted by Gender Action and Friends of the Earth member groups in Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo and Ghana, we reported in Broken Promises that the Chad-Cameroon and West African pipelines, financed by the World Bank, increased women's poverty and dependence on men; caused ecological degradation that destroyed women's livelihoods; discriminated against women in employment and compensation; excluded women in consultation processes; and led to increased prostitution and gender-based violence (GBV). Finally in 2016 the World Bank established a Task Force that aims to prevent GBV in Bank investments.


Women Stand their Ground against BIG Coal: the AfDB Sendou plant impacts on women in a time of climate crisis

Women Stand their Ground against BIG Coal is Gender Action�s newest field-based case study, which we co-sponsored with two African partners � Senegal-based Lumi�re Synergie pour le D�veloppement (LSD) and the WoMin African Alliance. Women Stand their Ground highlights the deleterious impacts of the public African Development Bank (AfDB)-financed Sendou coal plant on people, particularly women, and ecosystems, amidst the world�s intensifying climate emergency. Women fishers in Bargny, Senegal, are leading a fight against the coal plant also co-funded by the public West African Development Bank (BOAD) and Netherlands Development Bank (FMO) and private Compagnie Bancaire de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CBAO). The has destroyed women fishers� livelihoods and undermined the health of community members. Although the AfDB announced in late 2019 it would exit new coal projects, Sendou, which began operating in 2018, will generate coal-fired power and pollutants harmful to people�s health for decades. Women Stand their Ground employs a groundbreaking ecofeminist impact assessment framework which underlines how the climate crisis particularly impacts African women who carry primary responsibility, based on the current gender division of labour, for putting food on tables and caring for people and ecosystems.

Serbia and Montenegro

Gender Action launched its gendered impacts of structural adjustment program (SAP) with its first case in Serbia and Montenegro. Gender Action’s analysis of Serbia and Montenegro's World Bank US$250 million "structural adjustment lending program" describes differing impacts on poor women and men. At the time of our analysis in 2004, SAPs composed at least four fifths of Bank loans to these republics. Our analysis found a distinct pattern of neglect of gendered impacts.

Serbia and Montenegro's structural adjustment objectives consist of: public expenditure cutbacks and civil service reforms including in the social sectors – in health, education, labor and social protection programs; State Owned Enterprise (SOE) closing, restructuring and/or privatizing; and bank commercialization and downsizing.

Local citizen's groups are using this analysis to conduct advocacy to mitigate negative effects and achieve social reforms including to (1) pressure their government and the World Bank to create employment, retraining and other compensatory programs for single female parents and other vulnerable women who lose employment through SAL programs; (2) obtain a US$7 million public sector allocation to assist vulnerable women in the national poverty reduction strategy; (3) achieve an increase in women’s pensions; and (4) pressure the World Bank Belgrade office to undertake a Country Gender Assessment to identify gender gaps that future investments should try to narrow.

See our publication presenting this analysis by Aleksandra Vladisavljevic of the Association for Women's Initiatives in Belgrade, and Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action President, called "Structural Adjustment's Gendered Impacts: the Case of Serbia and Montenegro".

To learn more about Gender Action’s trainings with civil society groups to engender Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers in seven countries, please see our Brief Review of PRSP Collaborations by Country. To learn more about why Gender Action no longer engages in PRSP processes, see our Engendering Country Strategies page.


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